We are an independent professional theatre and a versatile performing and applied theatre collective based in Helsinki.
Vimma Collective Cooperative is a Helsinki-based independent theatre group specializing in performing and applied theatre. Creating theatre about topical and socially issues is close to our hearts. We also offer high-quality theatre and art-based training, workshops, and customized performances tailored to your needs.
Vimma kollektiivi tarjoaa ympärivuotista esittävää ja osallistavaa taidetta: teatteria, seminaareja, tapahtumia, kiertue-esityksiä, taidelähtöisiä työpajoja.
Kaikki vanha meni rikki
Esitys läheisen itsemurhan aiheuttamasta traumasta
What´s on
We offer year-round engaging and participatory theatre experiences, including performances, seminars, events, touring performances, and art-based workshops.
In 2024-2025, we are presenting “Kaikki vanha meni rikki” (“Everything Old Is Broken”),
a performance addressing the trauma caused by the suicide of a family member. Premiere was on November 12, 2024, at KokoTeatteri in Helsinki.
Mikaela Mansikkala
Master´s level director of theatre expression (UAS), songwriter